Gdynia, Malbork, miejsca postojowe

Gdynia, Malbork

ul. Bosmańska, Pasteura

miejsca postojowe

Gdynia, Malbork


Voi.: pomorskie, District: Gdynia, Community: Gdynia,

ul. Bosmańska, Pasteura


land area: ha

useful area: 67,96 m2

Real estate category

List - Rent

List positions:

  1. Surface 15,00 m2
    Asking price 79,47 PLN
  2. Surface 13,24 m2
    Asking price 81,37 PLN
  3. Surface 13,24 m2
    Asking price 81,37 PLN
  4. Surface 13,24 m2
    Asking price 81,37 PLN
  5. Surface 13,24 m2
    Asking price 81,37 PLN


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Regional Office Gdynia

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