Privacy Policy

By reading, viewing or using the website or subscribing to electronic “Newsletter”, you agree to the rules contained in the Privacy Policy published on the website

The Military Property Agency, as the owner of the website, reserves the right to introduce changes to the  “Privacy Policy”. Every person who uses the website in any way is subject to the current “Privacy Policy”.

Any changes will not affect our basic principle: we do not sell and we do not share with third parties the personal data or addresses of customers/users of If you do not agree with the  “Privacy Policy”, please do not visit the website and do not subscribe  to the “Newsletter”

Personal Data Controller

Your personal data controller is Military Property Agency,  with its registered office at Nowowiejska 26   A,   00-911 Warsaw.

Objectives and  grounds for data processing

The purpose for the processing of your data is to send recurring informational newsletter. In the case of media representatives, the purpose of data processing is to send press releases and to answer their questions.

Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions or concerns with regard to the processing of your personal data by the Military Property Agency, you should contact the Data Protection Officer

  •  via e-mail:
  •  via post: Military Property Agency Nowowiejska 26A, 00-911 Warsaw, with an annotation: “Data Protection Officer”

Data processing period

Your data shall be processed until you withdraw your consent for receiving the informational newsletter or, in the case of media representatives, for receiving press information and responses to your queries.

Your Rights

As we process your personal data, you have the right to:

  •     access  the content of your data
  •     rectification of your data
  •     deletion of your data
  •     restrict the use of your data
  •     right to  object to the processing of your data
  •     right to transfer the data to another organization
  •     right to  withdraw the consent at  any time, without affecting the  lawfulness of the processing, which was made on the basis of  consent before its withdrawal
  •     if you feel that the processing of your data breaches the GDPR provisions, you have the right to file a complaint to  The President of the Personal Data Protection Office (currently The Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data).

Is providing personal data mandatory?

Providing your personal data (e-mail address) is optional, however failure to do so means you will not be able to receive informational newsletter.

Automated processing, including  profiling

Your data shall not be processed in an  automated manner,  including profiling.

Disclosing your personal data to  other entities

Your data shall not be disclosed to any other entity.

Disclosing your personal data to  third countries

Your personal data shall not be disclosed to  third countries, that is  countries outside of European Economic Area.

Unannounced Messages

We reserve the right to send unannounced e-mails to people whose contact details we have obtained due to their activities on By unannounced messages we mean information directly related to (e.g. implemented changes, internal promotions, etc.), and not commercial information (e.g., birthday wishes, news about viruses, personal comments, etc.)

Public personal data

Personal data submitted while sending information or other materials related to website are available for all visitors of pages containing this  data. We have no way of securing your data from individuals or companies that will use them to  send you unspecified information. Therefore, these data are not subject to the “Privacy Policy”.


Some areas of may use cookies, that is small text files sent to  user's computer, that identify him  in a way  that is necessary for simplifying or redemption of given operation. An example of the use of cookies on the website can be so-called pop-up window, informing you  about the benefits of  and encouraging you to view it. Thanks to the cookies, this pop-up shows only  once a day to people who are not subscribers of Cookies will function properly only after obtaining the browser's approval, and  provided they won't be removed from the  disk.

We use the following types of cookies

  • “session cookies” and “monitoring cookies” are  temporary files that are  stored in the user's terminal equipment. Session cookies and monitoring cookies are used only to  distinguish visitors of the website
  • “essential” cookies, enabling the use of  the services available  through the website; e.g. authentication cookies used for  services that require authentication
  • “statistica” cookies that allow for collection of statistical information on  the manner of use of the website, these data  can be transferred to the  analytical panel of Google Analytics,
  • “performance” cookies, enabling the collection of information  on the manner of use of the  website
  • “advertising” cookies, enabling the delivery of advertising content more suited to  your expectations.
  • “networking” cookies – enabling the integration of social networking sites that  you use with the website


“Privacy policy” does not apply to services and companies whose contact details are listed on the website or on the domain.
