Utilization of licensed waste

Licensed property, which is subject to the duty of utilization (e.g. components of rocket fuel) is disposed of by purchasing utilization services.
Companies are selected in accordance with the public procurement procedure, pursuant to the Public Procurement Act of 29 January 2004 (Journal of Laws of 2010 No. 113, item 759 as amended).

Implementation of the utilization services may be applied for by authorized domestic and foreign entities, which have relevant permits and licenses laid down in the following acts of law:

  • Waste management regulations, in particular:

    • Act on Waste of 27 April 2001 (Journal of Laws of 2010 No. 185, item 1243 as amended);
    • Act on international waste transfers of 29 June 2007 (Journal of Laws, No. 124, item 859)
  • In the acts regulating the issue of production and trade in explosives, weapons, ammunitions, and military and police technology, in particular:

    • the Act of 22 June 2001 on conducting business activities in the area of production and trading in explosives, weapons, ammunitions, as well as products and technologies for military or police use (Journal of Laws, No. 67, item 679);
    • Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland of 16 June 2009 amending ordinance concerning the types of weapons and ammunitions, as well as products and technologies for military or police use, for the production of or trading in which a license is needed (Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 106, item 881).

Announcements concerning auctions organized for the purchase of utilization services shall be published on the website www.amw.com.pl, in national daily press and in other places as required by the Public Procurement Act.

Act on Waste of 27 April 2001 (Journal of Laws of 2010 No. 185, item 1243 as amended);
