Białobrzegi, B/U/118


Voi.: mazowieckie, District: legionowski, Community: Nieporęt, Polska

ul. Osiedle Wojskowe 13 i 16


land area: ha

useful area: 20,60 m2







So far predominant function


Real estate category


Regional office Warszawa

Urszula Holc-Górska, Specialist

(Real Property Unit)

Phone: 22 326 10 85



Tracking the status

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Estate description


The town of Białobrzegi is located approx. 10 km from Łańcut, 28 km from the center of Rzeszów. Within the distance of 4 km there is a railway line Medyka - Kraków, and the closest PKP (Polish railway) station is located in the town of Kosina. The town has got a convenient access to international road no. E-40 -approximately. 5 km. The distance from the airport in Jasionka is 24 km. The Property consists of independent utility premises located in the block of flats. The building is located in the outskirts of the town Białobrzegi, among non-developed areas. In the further vicinity there are dispersed detached buildings. Access to the real estate leads along a local asphalt road.


The Property consists of utility premises in the building situated on the plot with registration no. 2170/9 of the area: 0.1400ha. Respective share in the common real estate is related to the ownership of the premises which constitutes the ground of the above mentioned plot and common parts of the building.

Utility premises (non-residential) with the total area of 191.25m2  and cubature of 435.00m3, include part of ground floor of one-storey building, part of basements of this building and a connector between the building and attached garage together with premises in the garage building: garage, vestibule, store room, part of corridor.  There are two entrances to the aforementioned premises: from the southern side of the building through exit doors of the garage or via the stairs through a vestibule. It is also possible to enter from the staircase located at the northern side of the building. There is an entrance from the staircase to the part of the premises situated in the basement.

Offer details

Premises, after renovation, may be used for office or housing purposes, while the garage and cellar part may be used also for running e.g. a workshop or other non-onerous services.


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