Wrocław, dz. 3/27


Voi.: dolnośląskie, District: Wrocław, Community: Wrocław, Polska

Kępa Mieszczańska


land area: 0,3015 ha

Real estate category

Tender available - Rent

Tender on: 14.01.2025hour 12:00

Tender positions:

  1. Surface 0,3015 ha
    Asking price 8 300,00 PLN


Pobierz ogłoszenie

Regional Office Wrocław

Joanna Kozłowska,

(Real Property Unit)

Phone: 71 710 72 64

E-mail: j.kozlowska@amw.com.pl


Tracking the status

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Estate description


The built-up property is situated in the most attractive downtown part of Wrocław, in the north of an island called Kępa Mieszczańska, at the fork of two canals of the Odra river: the Northern Odra and the Southern Odra canals. In the south it’s adjacent to Mieszczańska and Dmowskiego streets. The property is so attractive owing to its proximity to the Old Market and the University – approximately a 5 minute walk along the pedestrian route. It also has excellent connections with arterial roads heading towards Poznań and Warsaw. Right since the establishment of the city, the island has always had a strategic importance. It was a part of city’s fortifications, and then it was a heavily fortified stronghold. In 19th century the military hospital was situated  there and subsequently was transformed into cavalry barracks. Most recently , the property was used as a workshop – storage compound. The land is about 5 meters above the level of the Odra river. Its borders from the river are framed by a stone waterfront regularly overgrown with trees.


The property includes plot no. 3/27, AM-21, precinct 0005- Plac Grunwaldzki, with an area of  0. 6202 ha.

Plot no. 3/27 contains building no. 15 with a useful floor area of 1, 337.00 m2 and a capacity of 7, 384 m3.  Moreover, the plot also comprises shelter no. 97  and other structures.

The access to public road from plot no. 3/27 will be provided through the road plot no. 3/40, AM-21, precinct Plac Grunwaldzki, on which a paid easement of passage and carriageway will be established for each and every owner of plot no. 3/27.

The property contains fragments of the supply network and network connections (power and sewage) of the former barracks complex. To ensure the provision of utilities to the property, the purchaser will have to obtain from the utility operator new technical conditions for connection to the network.

The property is covered by the concepts of utilities network development in the area of Kępa Mieszczańska, which are currently being prepared by utility companies

The property has been entered into the land register kept by the District Court in Wrocław- Krzyków, 4th Department of Land and Mortgage Registers, under the number WR1K/00196515/3.

Offer details

The area where the property is located is covered by the local land use plan for the northern part of the Kępa Mieszczańska area in Wrocław, adopted by the Municipal Council of Wrocław by way of resolution no. XLVI/1105/13 of 27 June 2013 (published in the Official Journal of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship on 15 July 2013, item 4330). In accordance with the afore-mentioned plan, plot no. 3/27 is located in an area marked on the plan drawing with the symbols: 2U/1 – a service area (buildings of up to 16 m) and 3ZP, 4ZP – green areas. Moreover, the southern part of the plot is situated in an area marked as 2KDWPR/1 -   bicycle and pedestrian paths, and 1MW-U/4  - grounds containing multi-family residential and service development (buildings of up to 22 m).

A heritage conservation zone has been established over the entire area covered by the land use plan. Moreover, an archeological heritage conservation zone has been established over the entire area covered by the plan, including the area of the former bastions – relics of historic defensive architecture. The zone is subject to the requirement of conducting an archeological investigation in accordance with separate regulations.
