Szczecinek, dz. 43/17, 43/18, 43/19, 43/24, 43/25, 43/26, 43/27
Voi.: zachodniopomorskie, District: szczecinecki, Community: Szczecinek, Polska
land area: 43,2926 ha
Real estate category
Regional Office Szczecin
Ewelina Lewandowska, Senior Specialist
(Real Property Unit)
Phone: (+48 91) 447 20 22
Izabela Pasławska, Senior Specialist
(Marketing and Public Relations)
Phone: (+48 91) 447 20 61
Artur Walento, Starszy inspektor
(Marketing and Public Relations)
Phone: 91 447 21 32
Estate description
The real estate property in question is located at the outskirts of the Szczecinek town. The locality is situated in the eastern part of the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship in the Drawskie Lake District. The real estate property is located in the north-central part of the town, within the registration precinct of Szczecinek, ca. 2 km away from the inner centre. The plots of land extend from the railway line and allotment gardens to the north to the crossing of Kołobrzeska Street with the roundabout that connects to the Voivodeship road No. 172.
The complex of plots of land consists of as many as 10 plots with no buildings, with an area ranging from 1.1764 ha to 24.0140 ha. The access road to them is provided by means of special exits from the town ring road and a network of internal roads – 5 road plots of land. The real estate area has a diverse topography with small hills. Sometimes, there are medium or high trees within the area. There are shallow water reservoirs in the south-eastern part.
Plot areas:
43/13 – 2.9381 ha,
43/15 – 4.1790 ha,
43/16 – 24.0140 ha,
43/18 – 7.8304 ha,
43/19 – 6.1287 ha,
43/20 – 1.7164 ha,
43/21 – 3.6695 ha,
43/23 – 9.9882 ha,
43/25 – 13.2779 ha,
43/27 – 14.9661 ha.
Internal roads:
43/14 – 1.3112 ha,
43/17 – 1.4684 ha,
43/22 – 0.8481 ha,
43/24 – 0.3579 ha,
43/26 – 0.8968 ha.
Offer details
Survey of conditions and spatial development study defines the area as a plot intended for public-utility development: areas for services with assured communication zones and car parks.