Piła, dz. 51/41, 51/44
Voi.: wielkopolskie, District: pilski, Community: Piła, Polska
ul. Śniadeckich
land area: 0,6763 ha
Real estate category
Regional office Bydgoszcz
Jacek Smoczyński, Senior Specialist
(Real Property Unit)
Phone: 52 52 57 843
E-mail: j.smoczynski@amw.com.pl
Joanna Dydyszko, Unit Manager
(Marketing and Public Relations)
Phone: (+48 52) 52 57 890
Estate description
The land property is located in the peripheral, north part of the City of Piła. Vehicle access to the plot is provided from Śniadeckich Street via public roads – the access road constituting the plot no. 51/22 and the local road constituting the plot no. 51/21. The access road, internal roads, footpaths and shared zones (footpaths and bicycle lanes) are not landscaped.
The land property has irregular shape and flat topography. The land property is not fenced. It is located within an area which is not equipped with technical utilities infrastructure networks. The whole area of the land property is grown by pine forest stand.
Offer details
The plot no. 51/23 is located within an area which is covered by the local land use plan of the City of Piła for the area of Śniadeckich Street and Powstańców Wlkp. Avenue, approved by virtue of the Resolution of the Piła City Council No. LII/631/10 of September 28, 2010. In accordance with the plan, the area of the land property is located within the structural unit marked with the symbol E, constituting single-family residential development complexes MN1, MN2 and MN3, formed around the internal road which joins the municipal public road – the extension of Śniadeckich Street. An integral part of the unit is constituted by the areas of internal communication, including publicly accessible internal road KDW, shared zone (footpath and bicycle lane) KDWx1 and footpath KDWx.