Hel, cz. dz. 32/88
Voi.: pomorskie, District: pucki, Community: Hel, Polska
ul. Sikorskiego/Kormorana
land area: 2,2000 ha
Real estate category
Regional Office Gdynia
Anna Rybczyńska, Specialist
(Marketing and Public Relations)
Phone: (+48 58) 690 87 84
Adriana Marynowska, Specialist
(Real Property Unit)
Phone: (+48 58) 690 87 42
Estate description
The property is located In the built-up part of the Town, several hundred meters from the train station and the main promenade- the heart of Hel – Wiejska Str. At a distance of ca 1000 meters from the property there is a beach n the open sea.
Offer details
The area is developed (barracks, headquarters buildings, warehouses), fenced, supervised and profusely tree – covered in some parts. The real property has been portioned into 25 plots of various acreage and purpose. The area is located within the area of residential, service and mixed (residential and service) development and it is possible to assign the plots to the purposes of future service and residential projects.